EURIPA has a special interest in the educational needs of rural doctors, who are more isolated professionally and work at a distance from specialist centres, often in small or single handed practices.
Recruitment of young doctors to rural practice is a key issue and EURIPA is interested in both undergraduate curricula and the education and training of young doctors to encourage recruitment to rural practice.
At the 12th WONCA World Rural Health Conference, Gramado, Brazil, in April 2014 the WONCA
Rural Medical Education Guidebook
was launched. The project has been supported by WONCA through the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), and the Rockefeller Foundation.
It consists of 71 chapters written by 74 authors, it represents a unique collaboration, with contributions from every continent. It is intended to be a free resource for doctors, educators and others wanting to obtain practical ideas on implementing aspects of rural medical education and to learn from the experience of colleagues in different contexts.
You can find more information and download the text book here