Diversity of manipulations and differences in primary care practices in cities and rural regions in Latvia

Liga Kozlovska, Matiss Kore, Gunta Ticmane, Ainis Dzalbs, Maija Kozlovska

Keywords: PHC, family doctors


In order to accurately understand and consider the differences between the range of manipulations provided by urban and rural practices and the factors that influence them, an analysis must be done looking at it from different angles.

Aim of the study:

The aim. The study was conducted with the aim of comparing the differences in the range of manipulations performed by PHC practice in 2023 between cities and rural regions.


Methods. The division into cities and regions was based on the classification used by the National Health Service (NHS). Data from the Latvian open data portal and NHS open access data were used as primary data sources.


Results. Mainly in the regions, more extensive manipulations are often carried out, which in cities would normally be carried out by laboratories or secondary care facilities


1. There are significant differences in the work of GAP and the number of proposed manipulations between cities and regions.
2. The number of visits in Latvia, both in cities and regions, is higher than in the literature with data from other countries, and it is higher in regions than in cities.
3. The most frequent episodes with a statistically significant difference, with a tendency to be more in the region, are episodes with a preventive purpose, episodes related to chronic patient care and dynamic observation, as well as home episodes.
4. Differences between cities and regions are most noticeable in the variety of manipulations.
