13th EURIPA Rural Health Forum

Tackling Health Inequalities in Rural and Remote Communities


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EURIPA Executive Committee and International Advisory Board Joint Meeting




Official Opening Ceremony

Location: LMS0005

  • Dr Sunil Hindocha
    Medical Director, Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board & Chair of the Clinical and Care Directorate...

  • Dr John Wynn-Jones
    WONCA, Lincoln & Keele Universities

    EURIPA and Visiting Professor in Rural Health of the College of Social Science, University of Lincoln

  • Dr. Oleg V Kravtchenko

    EURIPA president

  • Dr Ferdinando Petrazzuoli
    European Rural and Isolated Practitioner Association (EURIPA); Dept Clin. Sciences in Malmö, Cent...

    13th EURIPA Forum Scientific Committee Co-Chair

  • Prof Neal Juster
    University of Lincoln

    Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln

  • Inaugural Address
  • Prof Sir Jonathan Van-Tam
    University of Nottingham

    Senior Strategy Advisor in Medicine, University of Nottingham


Workshop 1

Location: LMS0005

  • Team working in rural Primary Care
  • Dr. Rosario Falanga
    Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Occidentale

Discussion Panel to Develop a Forum Statement

Location: LMS0008


Coffee Break


Oral Presentation 1

Location: LMS0005

  • David O’brien (Moderator)

  • Anna Falk (Moderator)

  • Identifying and examining the effectiveness of interventions to support carers of people with ca...
  • Miss Saimah Uddin
    University of Lincoln

  • Evaluating Drone-Based Medication Delivery in Ukraine: Enhancing Access and Adherence in the fram...
  • Ms Inna Maslenchuk

  • Integrated home care in Primary Care: an observational study in a rural area
  • Dr. Rosario Falanga
    Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Occidentale

  • The home palliative care net in the Frignano: a virtuous example in rural medicine.
  • Dr Andrea Balbarini
    AUSL Modena

Oral Presentation 2

Location: LMS0008

  • Dr Samuel Cooke (Moderator)
    Lincoln Institute for Rural and Coastal Health

  • Dr Veronika Rasic (Moderator)
    EURIPA/Rural Seeds/University of Edinburgh

  • Community Intervention Project: Enhancing Colorectal Cancer Screening Among the Community
  • Dr. Carolina Calado
    ULS Dão Lafões

  • Rural Hospitals and Substance use - a 10 year retrospective analysis of three rural hospitals' in...
  • Miss Sadie Lavelle Cafferkey
    Trinity College Dublin

  • Toolkit for Enhancing the Participation of Rural and Coastal Communities in Health and Social Car...
  • Dr Hayden Bird
    Lincoln International Institute for Rural Health, University of Lincoln

  • Utilising COM-B to identify what factors influence health behaviours amongst farmers at risk of c...
  • Dr Rebecca Orr
    Queen's University Belfast


Oral Presentation 3

Location: LMS0005

  • Dr Helene Jones (Moderator)
    Lincoln Institute for Rural and Coastal Health

  • Dr. Oleg V Kravtchenko (Moderator)

  • E-Learning for rural and coastal primary healthcare professionals in Europe
  • Dr Miriam Dolan
    The European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association, QUB, RCGP Rural Forum, WONCA Europe Sp...

  • How to improve the availability of primary health care in rural regions of Latvia?
  • Dr. Liga Kozlovska
    Rural Family Doctors' Association of Latvia

  • Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Medical Staff across the European continent: a systematic...
  • Miss Momina Iqbal
    Lincoln Medical School

  • The use of remote healthcare to address health disparities and achieve best practice in rural Lin...
  • Miss Danielle Reesby
    Marsh medical practice

Ends at 17:45

Workshop 2

Location: LMS0008

  • Rural Stars Project: Developing a Practical Guide for Rural Health Promotion and Advocacy
  • Dr Veronika Rasic
    EURIPA/Rural Seeds/University of Edinburgh

Ends at 17:45


Welcome Reception

Location: Foyer, Minerva Building

Welcome from Mayor of Lincoln (819th Mayor of Lincoln)

Ends at 21:00


Morning: Trip to Mablethorpe: Rural, coastal GP practice visit & Tour of Campus for Future Living

Packed lunch will be provided


Planting of an EURIPA Tree


Return to Lincoln


Opening addresses

Location: LMS0005

  • Dr Veronika Rasic (Moderator)
    EURIPA/Rural Seeds/University of Edinburgh

  • Prof Jamie Read (Opening Address)
    University of Lincoln

    Dean of the Medical School

  • Prof Thomas Frese (Opening Address)
    WONCA Europe

    President-elect WONCA Europe

  • Dr Pauline Wilson (Keynote Speaker)
    NHS Shetland and NHS Education for Scotland

    Consultant Physician/ Associate Medical Director, NHS Shetland

  • Toni Dedeu (Keynote Speaker)

    Senior Advisor on Integrated Primary Health Care, WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care


Oral Presentation 4

Location: LMS0005

  • Farhana Haque (Moderator)

  • Dr. Gindrovel Dumitra (Moderator)
    Romanian National Society of Family Medicine

  • An experience from GP with special Interest Clinics (Gynaecology) in Rural Lincolnshire
  • Dr Rama Mark
    Lincolnshire ICB

  • Addressing health inequalities through colorectal screening: Insights from rural Romania
  • Dr Roxana Surugiu
    University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania

  • Evaluation of the care gaps and inequalities that arise in Continuing Healthcare (CHC) delivery i...
  • Mrs Victoria Scott
    Marsh Medical Practice

  • Impact of Family Health Unit Location on Contraceptive Method Choice: An Observational Study in U...
  • Mrs Daniela Oliveira
    USF Montemuro

Oral Presentation 5

Location: LMS0008

  • Michael Toze (Moderator)

  • Dr Andrea Balbarini (Moderator)
    AUSL Modena

  • Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services by Adolescents living in Rural or Coastal areas...
  • Miss Agnes Nanyonjo

  • Diabetic Hand Syndrome - Prevalence and Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care
  • Dr. Carolina Calado
    ULS Dão Lafões

  • Do practice staff perceptions of rurality influence care? Lessons from a national survey of postu...
  • Dr Christopher Clark
    University of Exeter Medical School

  • Effects of Vitamin D status on health Status in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disea...
  • Prof Ioanna Tsiligianni
    University of Crete


Coffee Break


Workshop 3

Location: LMS0005

  • Healthcare in rural agricultural areas- exploring experiences of caring for farming patients acro...
  • Dr Rebecca Orr
    Queen's University Belfast

Workshop 4

Location: LMS0008

  • Creating a European dialogue with academics (Research and Education) across Europe with the aim o...
  • Dr John Wynn-Jones
    WONCA, Lincoln & Keele Universities


Poster Presentations

Location: LMS0005

Tthe 5 posters with the highest scores.

Ends at 18:15


Rural Dinner

Location: Lincoln Cathedral Chapter House

Online pre-booking required.

Ends at 21:00


Workshop 5

Location: LMS0005

  • Helping healthcare students and trainees engage with their patients and their communities to unde...
  • Dr Miriam Dolan
    The European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association, QUB, RCGP Rural Forum, WONCA Europe Sp...

Workshop 6

Location: LMS0008

  • Meeting the health needs of rural coastal and island communities - overcoming the barriers
  • Dr Brian Norton


Coffee Break


Discussion Panel: Health on the Periphery Plenary Session

Location: LMS0005

Discussion panel chaired by Lincoln Institute for Rural and Coastal Health (LIRCH)


Award presentations and Closing Ceremony
  • Presentation of the 14th EURIPA Rural Health Forum
  • Prof Thomas Frese
    WONCA Europe


Planetary Health Lunch


Tourist Excursion Lincolnshire

(booking required)

Ends at 17:00

Posters will be displayed throughout the Forum in the Seminar Room.

  • "Scirocco" tool usage - Medical and Diagnostic Centre case-study
  • Anna Owczarczyk
    Military University of Technology

  • Attitudes of future physicians in the context of searching methods for reducing medical deserts
  • Magdalena Bogdan
    Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

  • Diversity of manipulations and differences in primary care practices in cities and rural regions...
  • Matīss Kore
    Riga Stradiņš university

  • EC and OOH in rural European locations - ongoing project.
  • Dr. Oleg V Kravtchenko

  • Experimental GP clinical in rural environment
  • Dr. Elizabeth Katherine Gura

  • Exploring the Experience of Patients in Rural and Coastal Communities in the United Kingdom
  • Dr Veronika Rasic
    EURIPA/Rural Seeds/University of Edinburgh

  • Exploring the motivations for, and the experiences of, GPs working in Rural West Wales: a qualita...
  • Miss Mared Thomas
    University of Birmingham

  • Future of polish primary care – projection of demand and number of family doctors till 2045
  • Magdalena Bogdan
    Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

  • Heapatitis A- what they didn't teach me about it at school
  • Dr. Andrea Fuleova
    Ambulance GP

  • Implementation of coordinated care in PHC in Poland- preliminary results
  • Dr Pawel Zuk
    Medical and Diagnostic Center

  • Key considerations to addressing the challenges of secondary prevention cardiovascular risk reduc...
  • Dr Carl Nigel Deaney
    Marsh Medical Practice

  • Per aspera ad astra - regarding smoking cessation in Latvia and the footprints being left behind.
  • Dr. Gunta Ticmane
    Riga Stradins university, Latvia

  • Pharmaceutical care introduced in coordination with PHC in Poland – perspectives of physicians, p...
  • Mpharm Joanna Oberska
    Warsaw Medical University

  • Starting a Young Doctor's Community Medicine Work Group in a rural area
  • Dr. Irma Vilchez
    Servicio Andaluz de Salud

  • The attitudes of patients under coordination in primary care in rural areas on vaccinations again...
  • Dr Pawel Zuk
    Medical and Diagnostic Center

  • The use of remote clinical testing to improve early detection of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in ...
  • Miss Danielle Reesby
    Marsh medical practice

  • Using technology to reduce health inequality while managing asthma and COPD in a rural practice
  • Meredith Donaldson
    Marsh Medical Practice

  • Virtual Exchange in Europe - Pilot proposal
  • Dr. Oleg V Kravtchenko