Starting a Young Doctor's Community Medicine Work Group in a rural area

Jose Daniel Cara Martin, Irma Vílchez García, Antonio Ramírez Fernández, Zahira Galindo Salmeron, Irene Mayol Comas

Keywords: Community Medicine; Rural Medicine; Self-training


This workgroup arises from a recurring demand from resident doctors in our area to acquire tools in research and intervention in the community correcting so a basic training lack. Our group understands that Primary Care must listen to the needs of the population.

Aim of the case report:

The main objective of the Community Medicine work force is to train Family Medicine residents in intervention and research in community medicine in rural areas, valuing the particularities of these contexts, with a perspective of health inequities. We intend to create a network of professionals in the area to share and coordinate community actions.

Case report:

Based on the teaching program of our medical speciality in Spain, we have managed to develop a practical training project in community medicine that our area lacked. The team was built by resident doctors of several training levels and an assistant mentor. The team met every two weeks in self-training, research and intervention sessions to develop projects in rural areas.


This working group provides a space for exchanging concerns, experiences and training and it establishes an interprofessional network.
The rural setting allows a greater accessibility to community and provides more availability of time to dedicate to community medicine. The rural settings offer a closer space to develop a longitudinal care that fosters a better doctor-patient relationship. This context may be ideal for working on population´s health prioritizing the interests of the community itself by allowing the population to be active subjects in their own health-disease processes strengthening health promotion.
This work group becomes a flexible, adaptable and resilient tool that adjusts to our training needs from a holistic view of medicine.
This initiative is applicable to other health areas. It allows horizontal actions to be carried out for a direct impact on health from a social, gender, demographic, ethnic and migratory perspective.
