"Scirocco" tool usage - Medical and Diagnostic Centre case-study

Anna Owczarczyk, Magdalena Bogdan, Paweł Zuk

Keywords: primary health care, coordinated care, maturity


The Scirocco tool was developed by the B3 Action Group on Integrated Care of the European Partnership for Innovation, Active and Healthy Aging to determine the level of readiness for integrated care based on the concept of regionalization of PHC. Scirocco allows all health care entities, including PHC, for hollistic view of their own activities, shows the strengths and weaknesses of the regional context for integrated care, and allows for the exchange of experiences and good practices between institution. It is available in form on-line questionaire for all interested stakeholders. An analysis of the areas included in the Scirocco model allows to conclude that they are so universal that it is possible to use this questionnaire not only to assess readiness for the implementation of integrated care, but also coordinated healthcare.

Aim of the case report:

Presentation of the maturity model for the implementation of integrated care "Scirocco" and an attempt to evaluate its application in the area of coordinated care on the example of the Medical and Diagnostic Center in Siedlce.

Case report:

The study at the Siedlce Medical and Diagnostic Center was carried out: in 2017, at the time when the pilot national coordinated care program "POZ+" was implemented and in 2024. In 2017 an initial assessment of maturity of the CMD and the Polish healthcare system for the coordinated care was made. In 2024 - re-examination the maturity of CMD. The Authors examined the degree of changes that have taken place in healthcare both in CMD as in the Polish healthcare system.


A comparative analysis of the CMD's responses allows to conclude that there has been a significant change in the assessment of areas that determine readiness for coordinated care. It was possible mostly due to: regulations that have been introduced in Polish legal system, changes in the funding system, the development of digitization,
