EC and OOH in rural European locations - ongoing project.

Oleg V Kravtchenko

Keywords: emergency, out-of-hours, rural, project


Emergency care and Out-of-Hours are perhaps the most challenging parts of primary healthcare, especially in rural locations.

Aim of the study:

This is continuation of the pilot study, conducted for about 1 year ago in 10 European countries. We couldn’t manage statistically significant results then due to rather low level of participation. Therefore we have started a re-launch of the project on a bit different level and in slightly adjusted design.


The study is based on the questionnaire developed by the author with some support and ideas by the colleagues on a national and international level.


According to the preliminary results of this one and the results of the previous pilot study, there are certain common features in every European country.


Final conclusion is yet to be formulated. However there are some rather promising results (though not uniform).
